Navigation map for World Wide Wounds site.
- World Wide Wounds - The Electronic Journal of Wound Management Practice (including woundcare, wound care, wounds, and dressings).
- About the Journal
- About our Sponsors
- World Wide Wounds - Alphabetical Listing
- A comparative study of twelve hydrocolloid dressings
- The use of sterile larvae (maggots) in a malignant wound.
- A clinimetric analysis of wound measurement tools
- A discourse on pressure ulcer physiology: the implications of repositioning and staging
- A New Topical Antibiotic Delivery System
- A review of the expert opinion on latex allergy
- A review of the history of veterinary wound management
- A structured approach to the selection of dressings
- Advanced treatments for non-healing chronic wounds
- An evaluation of a new type of compression bandaging system
- An overview of non-cancer related chronic oedema - a UK perspective
- An overview of surgical site infections: aetiology, incidence and risk factors
- Assessing the patient with a skin condition
- Atraumatic dressings
- Wound Colour Image Processing Review
- Wound Colour Image Processing Review
- Bandages on the Drug Tariff
- Dressings on the Drug Tariff (Rev 4.0)
- Heenan: Drug Tariff (Rev 3.1)
- Heenan: Drug Tariff (Rev 3.0)
- Heenan: Drug Tariff (Rev 2.0)
- Heenan: Drug Tariff (Rev 1.1)
- Heenan: Drug Tariff (Rev 1.0)
- Case report: The use of butter to treat a hot tar burn injury
- Management of a complex neuropathic foot ulcer: a case report
- Case report: maggot therapy in an acute burn
- Case series investigating the experience of pain in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers treated with a foam dressing releasing ibuprofen
- Case study: Larval therapy for an infected insect bite
- Cellular, molecular and biochemical differences in the pathophysiology of healing between acute wounds, chronic wounds and wounds in the aged
- Compression bandaging in the treatment of venous leg ulcers
- Compression hosiery in the prevention and treatment of venous leg ulcers
- Doppler assessment and ABPI: Interpretation in the management of leg ulceration
- Comments on ABPI article.
- The Drug Tariff and wound management
- Alginate dressings on the Drug Tariff
- Absorbent and primary dressings on the Drug Tariff
- Bandages on the Drug Tariff
- Hydrocolloid dressings on the Drug Tariff
- Polyurethane dressings on the Drug Tariff
- Vapour-permeable dressings on the Drug Tariff
- Encouraging patient involvement in the management of lymphovenous leg ulceration: a case report
- Patient-administered inhalation of nitrous oxide and oxygen gas for procedural pain relief
- Extracellular matrix: review of its roles in acute and chronic wounds
- Focus on silver
- Four-layer bandaging: from concept to practice. Part 1: The development of the four-layer system
- Four-layer bandaging: from concept to practice Part 2: Application of the four-layer system
- Four-layer bandaging: from concept to practice. Part 3: Evidence base for treating venous leg ulcers
- Alginate Dressings: Frequently Asked Questions
- Hydrocolloid Dressings: Frequently Asked Questions (Rev 1.1)
- Hydrocolloid Dressings: Frequently Asked Questions (Rev 1.0)
- Honey as a topical antibacterial agent for treatment of infected wounds
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wound healing
- Understanding the effects of bacterial communities and biofilms on wound healing
- Integrating adjunctive therapy into practice: the importance of recognising ‘hard-to-heal’ wounds
- Larval Therapy: A Review of Clinical
- Leg ulceration: a complex case scenario
- Leg ulceration: complex case scenario
- 'Loss of self': a psychosocial study of the quality of life of adults with diabetic ulceration
- MRSA and the use of silver dressings: overcoming bacterial resistance
- Management of a diabetic foot ulcer using larval therapy
- Management of a large flap wound to the beak of a mute swan (Cygnus olor): a case report
- Management of territorial fight wounds in badgers
- Modern exudate management: a review of wound treatments
- Morphological Characteristics of the Dermal Papillae in the Development of Pressure Sores
- Venous ulcers and motorised ankle dorsiflexion: an introduction to a new approach
- NICE Clinical Guidelines: Pressure ulcer risk assessment and prevention - a review
- Next generation products for wound management
- Obstetric care. Is there risk of pressure damage after epidural anaesthesia?
- Odour Absorbing Dressings: Comparative laboratory study.
- Opinion: NICE - time for review?
- PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE: Psychology of pain and wound healing
- What has pain relief to do with acute surgical wound healing?
- Pain at wound dressing-related procedures: a template for assessment
- Pattern of injury in motor vehicle accidents
- Pilonidal sinus disease
- Preventing pressure ulcers among wheelchair users: preliminary comments on the development of a self-administered risk assessment tool
- Recent advances in the use of lasers in dermatology.
- Recent advances in the use of lasers in dermatology.
- Recent advances in the use of lasers in dermatology.
- Review of duplex and colour Doppler imaging of lower-limb arteries and veins
- Review of the clinical RCT evidence and cost-effectiveness data of a sustained-release silver foam dressing in the healing of critically colonised wounds
- Setting up Wound Dressing Guidelines: Avoiding the Pitfalls.
- Sharp technique for wound debridement
- Should alternative endpoints be considered to evaluate outcomes in chronic recalcitrant wounds?
- Soft silicone dressings: frequently asked questions
- Part 1: Symptom control in the management of fungating wounds
- Part 2: Symptom self-assessment in the management of fungating wounds
- Appendix-A.doc
- Appendix-B.doc
- Teaching wound management: a collaborative model for future education
- The art and science of evaluating patient support surfaces
- The cost of treating hard-to-heal venous leg ulcers: results from a Swedish survey
- The development of a novel technique for predicting the exudate handling properties of modern wound dressings
- The management of extravasation injury in neonates.
- The management of pain associated with dressing changes in patients with burns
- The role of moist wound healing in the management of meningococcal skin lesions: a case study.
- The use of maggot therapy as an adjunct to surgical debridement: a paediatric case report
- The use of the Laplace equation in the calculation of sub-bandage pressure
- A review of the evidence for the use of topical antimicrobial agents in wound care
- Treatment of a deep injection abscess using sterile maggots in a donkey: a case report
- Developing a tool for researching fungating wounds
- An introduction to the use of vacuum assisted closure
- Veterinary care of a giant lop rabbit with severe fly strike
- Wound bed preparation
- Recognition and management of wound infections
- Wound assessment in the avian wildlife casualty
- Dressings on the Drug Tariff (Rev 4.0)
- Wound healing complications associated with lower limb amputation
- Wound management in the avian wildlife casualty
- World Wide Wounds Archive
- News - 2003 Archive
- Product News - 2003
- News - 2002 Archive
- Product News - 2002
- News - 2001 Archive
- Product News - 2001
- World Wide Wounds - Questions and Answers
- World Wide Wounds - Journal Scan 1997
- World Wide Wounds - Journal Scan 1998
- Authors' Guidelines
- Classified Adverts and Announcements
- Letters to the Editor
- World Wide Wounds - Letters to the Editor - 1998.
- World Wide Wounds - advice to correspondents.
- Letters to the Editor - July 1997.
- World Wide Wounds Mailing Lists
- News
- Product News
- World Wide Wounds: Product Datacards
- World Wide Wounds Reviews
- World Wide Wounds: Links
- World Wide Wounds -What our readers say
- ht://Dig WWW Search
- Management of saddle and harness sores in a pack mule on expedition – A case study.
- Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
- Comparison of foam and hydrocolloid dressings in the management of wounds: a review of the published literature
- Management of a pilonidal sinus with V.A.C.® Therapy
- Dermatological problems and periwound skin
- Assessing and managing vulnerable periwound skin
- The pathophysiology of vulnerable skin
- The role of dressings in the treatment of moisture-related skin damage
- The importance of compression on dressing performance
- Leg ulceration and wound bed preparation: towards a more holistic framework
- Dressings: cutting and application guide
- Post-hibernation management of rat bite injuries in a spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca)
- A case of pyoderma gangrenosum successfully treated with intravenous immune globulin
- World Wide Wounds - Listing by Subject Area
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unless otherwise stated.
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Last Modified: Thursday, 14-Jun-2012 13:15:11 BST